what is food drying

Food drying is a way of food preservation that has existed since the ancient times. And it involves dehydrating the food until there is not enough water for bacteria and mold to grow. The are many methods of food dehydration, for instance, the traditional methods of sun drying and wind drying. The dried foods featured on this website is dehydrated by using electric appliance—a food dehydrator—which takes less time than the traditional methods. 

Why food drying

My interest in drying food first started with fruit drying. This is because plates of overly ripe fruits are a common scene in my kitchen. Sometimes, they go in the fridge; over times, they go in the freezer. But the refrigerator only has that much space. That was when the idea of drying fruits came to me. Dehydration is a good and easy way to preserve food. The dried fruits can be stored at room temperature. Also, they make for great snacks and can serve as excellent additions in breakfast.

Another reason that reinforced the idea of drying fruit myself is my recent liking for dried fruit snacks. Being a healthy eater who dislike food additives, I found some fruit snacks often contain added sugar, food colouring, or other food additives. So, I thought if I am to continue snacking on dried fruits, would it not be better to make my own? At least then, I would know for sure it is healthy and all natural.

In the end, I bought a basic food dehydrator and started drying fruits. After a few tries, I got experimental and started to try dehydrating vegetables. I found the process quite fun, so I decided to create this website to document and share the dried foods that I have made.


Weekly posting of dried foods. The dried foods that I made can be sorted into the following two categories. 

Click to find out the dried fruits and vegetables!
