dried apple

HomeFruits > Apple

Describing the simple step-by-step process of drying apple at home with a food dehydrator.

Food: Apple
Prep Time: 18 minutes
Dehydrate Time: 19 hours
Total Time: 19 hours 18 minutes

Dried apple rings are a common and tasty snack. I do not have a fruit corer to make apple rings, so I made do with sliced apple pieces. 

drying apple


apple, fruit

One of the most iconic fruits, apple shows up in many ancient myths as well as children’s alphabet books. I also happen to have some in my kitchen, so drying apples it is.

I used one and a half apples for dehydration.

preparing apple

For the drying preparation, I cut the apples into thin slices and placed them in salt water for 10 minutes to prevent oxidation.

Then, I spread the slices across the drying trays and stacked the trays onto the dehydrator.

The prepping of apple is quite easy and takes about 18 minutes.

drying apple

drying apple, apple slices, dehydrate fruit, dehydrate apple

According to the manual, apple slices should be dried at 55-60°C for 12-38 hours. The drying time depends on the size of the slices and personal preference.

I left the apple slices drying overnight and made sure to swap the trays to ensure even dehydration. These apple slices are dehydrated for about 19 hours. Although there is the scent of apples during the drying period, the scent is much lighter when compared with bananas.

dried apple

Dried apple, dried fruit, dried food, apple slices

After dehydration, the apple slices have shrunken and became almost as thin as paper. The dried slices are soft and have kept their colour due to being placed in salt water, but they did ended up tasting a bit salty.

I would have preferred the slices to be crispy, but it seems like the slices were too thin, so they could not crisp up. Also taste-wise, perhaps next time placing the fruit in lemon juice to prevent oxidation would be more suitable.

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