dried banana

HomeFruits > Banana

Describing the simple step-by-step process of drying banana at home with a food dehydrator.

Food: Banana
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Dehydrate Time: 19 hours
Total Time: 19 hours 15 minutes

Dried banana chips are a common snacking food. Also, it is a natural and healthy food to snack on when bored.

drying bananas


banana, fruit

Banana is one of my favourite fruits, and it is always in season in my home country. My kitchen is never without bananas, so I decided to dehydrate bananas as my first try.

I chose a few ripe bananas and went about preparing the bananas.

preparing banana

To prepare the bananas for drying, they are peeled and thinly sliced, then the slices are placed in salt water for 10 minutes in order to prevent oxidation. 

After that, I drained the banana slices and spread them across the drying trays, then I stacked the trays onto the dehydrator.

The prepping of banana is quite easy and takes about 15 minutes.

drying banana

drying banana, banana slices, dehydrate fruit, dehydrate banana

According to the manual, the fruit category has to be dried at 55-60°C, and banana should be dried for 8-38 hours depending on the thickness of slices and personal preference.

I left the machine on overnight and reordered the drying trays to make sure all slices can be evenly dried. I dried the banana slices for 19 hours. During dehydrating, the whole kitchen smells of bananas.

dried banana

dried banana, dried fruit, dried food, banana slices

The texture of the dried slices are quite hard with the middle being a bit chewy and the edges a little crispy. Dried banana slices are very sweet, and the taste is much stronger than the fresh fruit. 

This first attempt at fruit dehydration turned out to be a success. Also, the process of drying fruit is quite fun, and the finished product makes for great snacking food. 

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