dried Guava

HomeFruits > Guava

Describing the simple step-by-step process of drying guava at home with a food dehydrator.

Food: Guava
Prep Time: 7 minutes
Dehydrate Time: 14 hours
Total Time: 14 hours 7 minutes

There two kinds of guava: white flesh and pink flesh. In my home country, white-fleshed guava is more common and tend to be cheaper.

drying guava



This time, I decided to dry some white guava. I picked newly ripe guavas to dry because I was worried that the overly ripe ones are too soft and would not dry as well as the ones with tougher flesh.

I used two whole guavas for dehydration.

preparing guava


To prepare the guavas for drying, I sliced the guava and cut away the seeds. The slices are thicker than the apple slices from one of the previous fruit drying. I skipped the step of putting the fruit in salt water or lemon juice for preventing oxidation…simply because I did not want to wait an extra 10 minutes.

Then, I placed the guava slices on the drying trays and stacked the trays on the food dehydrator.

Preparing guava is very simple, although cutting out the seeds took a bit of time (should have spooned the seeds out instead). Total preparation time takes about 7 minutes.

drying guava

guava, drying guava, drying fruit

According to the manual, fruits should be dried at 55-60°C. Guava is not on the fruit instruction list, so I decided to just turn the machine off when I think the guava slices look dry enough.

I left the dehydrator on overnight and swapped the drying trays to ensure even dehydration. I dried the guava slices for about 14 hours. To be honest, I think the smell of drying guavas is not nice at all.

dried guava

dried guava, dried fruit, dried food

Because the guava slices are thicker, I did not want them drying into really hard pieces, so I turned off the machine before they dehydrate too much. Without being placed in salt water or lemon juice, they were a bit darker in colour, but did not actually turn that brown.

The guava slices are still a little bit soft and moist in the middle. They taste quite good. Surprisingly, the dried guava are more sour than expected, probably due to its high vitamin C content. (Also, did you know guava has a higher vitamin C level than orange?)

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