dried Rosemary

HomeVegetables > Rosemary

Describing the simple step-by-step process of drying rosemary at home with a food dehydrator.

Food: Rosemary
Prep Time: 1 minutes
Dehydrate Time: 9 hours
Total Time: 9 hours 1 minutes

Rosemary is by far my favourite herb. Not only do I love the way it smells, I also love the way it tastes.

drying rosemary


rosemary, herb, fresh herb

Rosemary is an aromatic evergreen shrub that is easy to grow in warm climates. My relatives have rosemary planted in their house, so I snipped some when visiting them. I refrigerated half of them and decided to dry the other half, so they can be stored for longer.

preparing rosemary


To prepare the rosemary for dehydration, I washed the rosemary sprigs and drained them. Then, I put them on the drying trays and stacked the trays on the dehydrator.

I made sure to keep the whole sprig intact because if the leaves are not attached to the stem, they would fall through the holes of the drying trays.

Preparation is extremely simple because there are no peeling or cutting involved, so the whole process takes only about 1 minute.

drying rosemary

drying rosemary, drying herb

According to the manual, the herb category should be dried at 35-40°C for 5-10 hours. The time depends on the type of herb.

The needed dehydration time is shorter, so I did not dry them overnight as I did before. This time, I started drying in the morning, and turned the machine off at night. The total drying time is about 9 hours. During dehydration, the whole kitchen is the scent of rosemary, which is an amazing smell.

dried rosemary

dried rosemary, dried herb, herb

After dehydration, the rosemary leaves became even thinner. The dried rosemary has lost its fresh green colour and turned into a dark brownish green. A few leaves have fallen during dehydration, and when the dried leaves are touched, they seem to fall off the stem quite easily.

I stored the dried rosemary in an airtight container. Dried rosemary can be stored much longer than the fresh ones. They can last at least a few months.

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